
De Transcription | Bibliothèque patrimoniale numérique Mines ParisTech
Version du 12 décembre 2024 à 08:47 par Dssevenmentor (discuter | contributions)

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Transforming B2B data for use in machine learning (ML) applications involves several steps to ensure the data is clean, relevant, and structured for model training. Below is a step-by-step approach:

1. Data Collection Gather data from multiple B2B sources, such as CRM systems, email campaigns, sales pipelines, website analytics, or financial reports. Ensure data includes diverse features like customer attributes, behavior, transaction history, and company demographics (firmographics). 2. Data Cleaning Remove duplicate, incomplete, or inconsistent entries to maintain data quality. Address issues like missing values, outliers, and irrelevant columns. Normalize data formats (e.g., date, currency, text) to ensure consistency across datasets. 3. Data Integration Merge multiple data sources to create a unified dataset. For instance, combine CRM data with marketing engagement data to get a 360-degree view of B2B clients. Ensure proper handling of key fields like customer ID or company name to avoid mismatched entries. 4. Feature Engineering Create meaningful features from raw data. Examples include: Firmographic features: Industry, company size, location, and revenue. Engagement features: Email open rates, meeting frequency, and website visits. Transaction features: Purchase history, deal size, and sales cycle length. Use domain expertise to identify key attributes that impact your specific ML objective. 5. Data Transformation Convert categorical data (e.g., industry types, regions) into numerical representations using encoding methods like one-hot encoding or label encoding. Scale numerical data using techniques like normalization or standardization to align feature ranges. Use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze text data like customer feedback or email content.

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Link: https://bit.ly/3DQvEbR