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"5 ~ COMPILATION 0? THBI NUMBER OP EDGES AND NEIGHBOURS OP A CELL. A procédure is outlined for Computing the number of edges and neighbours of a given cell. It rests on the fact that cell boundaries » are only one picture point wide because of the skeletonization. por such measurements, the basic transformations used are dilation, recons¬ truction of a cell from a trace, and intersection* Por more clarity and brevity, the procédure is described in pigure 3 with pictures and explanations » 4 - COMPENSATION POR EDGE EPPECTS. Measurements are made on a s ample of sintered alumina. A lit t le more than 1000 cells are ta'ken into account. Let f be the expérimental histogram of the- number of edges per cell (cf. pigure 4)* Note that there are almost no two-edged cells. As a conséquence, the numbers of neighbours and edges of a given cell are almost surely equal, and the eorresponding histograms are the same. A t o. ?>o AZ pigure 4 • Expérimental histogram of the number of edges per cell. AZ e