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b - Intrinsic method Very often, the extension of Figure A is mueh wider than the observation scale of the monitor. For exemple, if we look at the grains of a métal, each local implantation of mask S is ran- domly located in respect to the thin section. Consequently, we have to measure the proportion of characteristics we want to know for each dimension of the mask S. (for example the proportion of A = 1 points). If we are interested in the intercept length measu- rements (linear granulome tries), we measure the proportion of in- tercepts of A, the length of which is included between 6 and £+'dfc, qn regards to the total number of intercepts of the same length that ahn be measured in the mask S ; etc... 2 - iviasks of t^arious sizes : case of hexagonal openings The former paragraphs have an important technological consé¬ quence. In transitive measurements, the mask size does not inter¬ fère : it is enough to send A (or as well A f] S) in the logic unit which provides the required raw resuit. On the other hand, in■the intrinsic measurements, the mask size will change for every logical opération, and can only decrease when the size of the structuring e le Aient increases (even for dilatations!) Let us take the rather sophisticated example of hexagonal open¬ ings. 1st_Step : érosion of the whites (Fig. 2 : white grains are stripped and background is clear)