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Fig. 8 : Example of boolean rocky deeps ; the poisson density is uniform over the negative half space and null for positive t. the primary grain (here a cone) is the same for all depths, and has the origin located at its top. Fig. 9 : Electro-micrograph of clay material (G x 1000) ; its texture may be modelled by a boolean function. Fig. 10 : Function y^A) and z^A), which derive from the probabilities that a segment of length A is included in the pores of the support supp f (i.e. y^), and that segment A lies over the graph of f (i.e. zj. Fig. 11 : Functions y2(A) and z^A), similar to y^A) and zj(A) (Fig. 6), when the segment of length A is replaced by a hexagon of side A. Fig. 12 : These three primary functions lead to three Boolean Islands whose horizontal sections are statistically identical. The last two ones cannot be differentiated either by vertical discs. 35