De Transcription | Bibliothèque patrimoniale numérique Mines ParisTech
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- 11 - REFERENCES 1 -G. MATHERON - Random Sets and Intégral Geometry.- Wiley and Sons (Interscience) 1975. 2 - G. MATHERON - Les topologies finies.- Note interne du Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, 1974» 3 - J. SERRA - Applied Mathematical Morphology.- S.I.A.M. (Washington) 1975. 4 - R.T. Le HOEE - The évolution of particulate structures.- Proceedings Syinp. on Statistical and Probabilistic Problems in Metallurgy.- Adv. in Appl. Prob., Lecember 1972. 5 - J.E. MORALE and M.E. ASHBY - Lislocated cellular structures.- Acta Met.- (1974) Vol. 22, pp. 567-575. 6 - CAHN and HOEMAN - Vector Thermodynamies for anisotropic sur- faces.- Surface Science (1972), Vol. 31» PP- 368- 388. 7 - CAHN and HOEMAN - Vector Thermodynamies for anisotropic surfaces.- Acta Met. (1974)» Vol. 22, pp. 1205.