Annales des Mines (1889, série 8, volume 15)
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Miscellaneous Accidents in Mines, with Special Reference to the North Staffordshire Coalfield; their Cau270 p. ses, and the Me,ans of Diminishing their Frequency
Heywood. 31f,25.
Steam-Heating Problems; or, Questions, Answers and Descriptions Relating to Steam-Ileating and Steam-Fitting. Illust. In-8°, 233 p. Engineering and Building Record Office. 1565. Boilers : Their Construction and Strength. A TRAILL (T.-W.). IIandbook of Rules, Formul, Tables, etc., relative to Material Scantlings and Pressures, Safety Valves, Springs, Fittings, and Mountings, etc., etc., for use of Engineers, Surveyors, Draughtsmen, Boiler Makers and Steam Users. With Illusts. In-8°, 444 p. C. Griffin and Co. 111,25
An Elementary Treatise Applications to Thermodynamics. on Dynamics; containing With numerous Examples. 2nd. cd., Revised and Enlarged. 536 p. Longmans.
WiniAmsoN (B.) and TARLETON (F.-A.).
5° Constructions.
Chemins de fer.
Plumbing Practice. Illust. In-8°, 368 p. Engineering and Building Record. 10 fr. The Working and Management of an English FINDLAY (G.). Railway. With numerous Musts, In-8°, 270 p. Whittaker. Express trains, English and FOXWELL (E.) and FARRER (T.-C.). Foreign : Being a Statistical Account of ail the Express Trains of the World, with Railway Map of Great Britain and Europe. In-80, 162 p. Smith and Eider. 3',15; av. cartes, Y,50. Handbook and Appendices of ail OLIVER (H.) and AIREY (J.). the Stations, Junctions, Sidings, Collieries, etc., of the Railways in the United Kingdom. 6th cd. In-4°. Oliver and Airey. 0,95. Parliamentary. Railway Accidents. Returns for 1888. 2',60. Continuons Brakes. Returns. July-Dec. I,65. Servants. Hours of Duty. Return. Of,65.
3rd cd., with an Appendix by Prof. T. G. Bonney. With Illustrations. In-8°, 350 p. Smith and Eider. 10,65. CHALLENGER. - Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage or
H.M.S. Challenger cluring the Years 1873-76. Prepared under the Superintendence of the la,te Sir C. Wyville Thomson. Zoology. Vol. 29. 2 Vols. of Text and. Vol. of Plates. 112,50; Vol. 30, Text and Plates. 412',50; Vol. 31. 50 fr. Cas Works Statistics, 1889. Compile(' from Special Returns Received from Engineers and Secretaries throughout the United Kingdom. Edit. by C. W. Hastings. 11th Annual Issue. In-8°, 104 p. Hazell and Watson. 4,40. MARVIN (C.). The Coming Oit Age Petroleum Past, Present and Future. With 2 Maps. In-8°, 32 p. R. Anderson and Co. 1f,25. SWINTON (A.-A.-C.).
The Elementary Principles of Electric Lighting. 2nd cd., Enlarged and Revised. In-8°, 40 p. Lockwood. I,90. WALLACE (A.-R.). Darwinism : An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection, with some of its Applications. With Portrait, Map and Musts. In-8°, xv1-494 p. Macmillan. 17f,50.
6° Objets divers.
The Principles of Ventilation and Heating, and their Practical Application. 2nd cd., Revised and Corrected. Illust. In-8°, 216 p. Engineering and Building Record
Office. 18,75. DARWIN (Ch.).
The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs.
Catalogue of Minerais and Synonyrns tically Arrange(' for the Use of Museums. In-8°, 198 p. Washington. liEmucx. (Mrs. S.-B.). The Earth in Past Ages. In-16, 241 P. New-York. 375. KIàIBALL Report of the Director of the Mint upon the production of the precious metals in the United States cluring the calendar year 4887. Washington. In-8°, 375 p. KIRWIN (T,). Modern Electricity. What is Electricity? lis Relation to Magnetism; how it is Produced and how Utilised in the Arts. In-16. Boston. 3,15. EGLESTON (J.).
LEFFMANN (IL-M.-D.) and BEAM (W.).
- Examination of Water
for Sanitary and Technical Purposes. In-12, 106 p. Philadelphie. 8,15. Minerai Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1887. By D. T. Day. 832 p. Washington.