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Annales des Mines (1893, série 9, volume 4)

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Révision de 25 janv. 2015 04:01:00, edited by Anonymes



OLLINS (L-11.).

Principles of Metal Mining. With 101 Musts.

In-8°, 152 p. Collins. 1',90. DAVIES (E.-H.). Machinery for Metalliferous Mines : A Practical Treatise for Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Managers of Mines. With upwards of 300 Illusts. in-80, 580 p. Crosby Lock-


wood and Son. 15,65. Burrus (R.-W.). A Text-Book of Coal Mining for the Use of Colliery Managers and others. 2nd ed. With very numerous Musts. In-8", 448 p. C. Griffin. 22f,50. LUTON (A.). Mining : An Elementary Treatise on the Getting of Minerais. In-8°. Longmans. MILNE (J.). The Miner's Handbook : A. Handy Book of Reference on the Subjects of Minerai Deposits, Mining Operations, Ore Dressing, etc. For the Use of Students and Others Interested in Mining Matters. In-16, 320 p. Crosby Lockwoocl and Son. 9,40. MOORE' (C.-W.). - A Practical Guide for Prospectors, Explorers, and Miners : A Manual for ail those Engaged or Interested the Search for or Development of Metallic and other Minerai Deposits. With numerous Illusts. by C. and A.-P. Wilson Moore. In-8°, 294 p. Paul, Tri:rimer and Co. 15 fr. PAMELY (C.). The Colliery Manager's Handbook. 2nd cd., Revised, with Additions. In-8°, 680 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son.

Parhamentary. Mines. Inspectors' Reports for 1892. No. 6. Manchester and Ireland Districts. l,60. Inspectors' Reports for 1892. No. 7. Liverpool District. lf,50. Great Western Colliery (Rhondda Valley) Disaster, Report. 0,85. -- Minerai StatiStics of the United Kingdom for 1892.1f,80. PEEL (R.). An Elementary Text-Book of Coal Mining : A Class Book for Elementary Students Preparing for the Science and Art Department Examination on Principles of Mining, and for Colliery Managers' Examination. In-12, 282 p. Blackie. 7° Construction.

Chemins de fer.

COOKE (C.-J.-B.).

Bristish Locomotives : Their History, Construction and Modern Development. With numerous Musts.

'From Sketches and Diagrams by C.-E. Jones and

IWcLellan, and Reproductions of Official Drawings and Photographs. In-8°, xvi-381 p. Whittaker and C°. 9,40.



Notes on Cylinder Bridge Piers, and the Well System of Foundations. Especially Written to Assist those Engaged in the Construction of Bidges, Quays, Docks, River


Watts, Weirs, etc. In-8°, 136 p. Spons.


Railway Returns of the United Kingdom

for 1892. 1f,15.

Railways. Continuons Brakes. Return. July-Dec., 1892.

Railways. Continuons Brakes. Return, Jan. to hune, 1893.

Rates and Charges. Ist Report of Committee , Evidence and Appendix. 5,35. Signal Arrangements. Return for 1892. Railway Accidents. Returns, Jan.-Mar., 1893. Of,85. Railways. Tralee and Dingle Light Railway. Major General Ilutchinson's Report on Management, and Major Mandarin's Report on 'Accident at Camp, May 22, 1893. Of,85.

The Liability of Railway Companies for Negligence towards Passengers. In-8°, Ii. Cox. 6,25. PATTON (W.-M.). - Practical Treatise on Foundations. Illust. In-8°. Gay and Bird. 31,15.. British Railways : Their Passenger Services, PATTINSON (J.-P.). Rolling Stock, Locomotives, Gradients and Express Speeds. With numerous Plates. In-8°, 254 p. Cassel!. 151.,65. The Fortin Bridge in its Varions Stages of ConsPHILLIPS (P.). Edimbourg, R. Grant. Londres, truction. Cheaper cd. Simpkin. 26f,25. Round the Works of Our Great Railways. By varions Authors. With Musts. In-8°, 230 p. Arnold. 45,40.

PARsoNs (A.).

8° Objets divers. DELANO (W.-H.). - Twenty Years' Practical Experience of Natu-

ral Asphalt and Minerai Bitumen. In-8°. Spons. 2,65. Manual on Lime and Cernent. In-8°, 220 p. Londres. 9 fr. The Depreciation of Factories, Mines and InMATHESON (E.). dustrial Undertakings, and their Valuation. 2nd cd. In-8°, 140 p. Spons. 9,40.

HEATH (A.-H.).

MOLESWORTH (G.-L.) and BRIDGES (11.). - Pocketbook of Useful

Formulin and Memoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. 23rd cd., Revised and Enlarged. Oblong in-32. Spons.