Annales des Mines (1895, série 9, volume 8)
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nies. Vol. III, Maps and Plans. Johannesburg, Argus Printing C",
E. Wilson. 78,75. GRUNDY (J.). Report of the Inspection of Mines in lndia for the Year ending 30th Jonc, 1894. In-8°, 102 p. Low. 2,50. MATCH (F.-II.) and CHALMERS (1.-A.). The Gold Mines of the Rand:
Being a Description of Lite Mining Industry ofWithwatersrand,
South African Republic. With Maps, Plans and Illusts. In-8°, 318 p. Macmiflan. 21,25. Home Oce. Mines. List of Mines in the United Kingdom cf Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man. For the Year 1894. Prepared by lier Mdjesty's Inspectors of Mines. 41',10. Mines. List of the Plans of Abandoned Mines Deposited itt the Houle Office under the Coal and Metalliferous Mines Bi.. gulation Acts, including Plans Transferred from the Laie " ning Record Office." Correcte(' tu the 31 st Decem ber, 1894. 0',95. Economic Mining: A Practical Handbook for Lem( (C.-G.-W.).
the Miner, the Metallurgist and the .Merchant. In-8", 682 p. Spons. 26,25. The Onyx Marbles : Their Origin, Compositin and Uses, both Ancient and Modern. 18 Plates. In-8°. Wesley.
693 FITZRAURICE (M.). - Plate-Girder Railway Bridges. In-8°, 112 P. Spons. 7f;50. MARTIN (H.-M.).
Statically Indeterminate Structures and the Principle of Least Work. Revised and Reprinted from Engineering. Illust. In-8°, 71 p. « Engineering » Office. Parliamentary. Railway Accidents. Returns an(' Inspectors' Reports. Jan. to Mardi, 1895. 1,80. Railways. Continuous Brakes. Returns for July to Dec., 1894. 1,25. Traffic, Capital, etc. Returns for 1894. l',15. REYNOLDS (M.). - First Principles or the Locomotive.With numemeus Musts. In-8°, 152 p. Biggs and C°. S'fRETTON (C.-E.).
made in Itailway Engines between 1803 and 1895. Numerous Musts. 411 cd., Revised. In-8°, 240 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 3,45. 8° Objets divers.
3',75. PAMELY (C.). - The Colliery Manager's Handbook : A Comprehen-
sive Treatise on the Laying-out and Working of Collieries. signed as a Book of Reference for Colliery Managers and l'H. the Use of Coal-Mining Students Preoaring for First-Class .C,etificates. Containing nearly 700 Plans, Diagrams and °iller 872 p. Crosby Loolusts. 3rd ed.,Revised and Enlarged. wood and Son. 31',25. Minerai Statistics of the United Kingdom f,r Parliamentary. 1894. 2,10. Mines. Explosion at Timsbury Colliery, 6111 Feb., 1895: Reports by Messrs Roskill and Martin. Diagrams. 01,95. The Origin and Rationale of Colliery Explosion, STUART (D.). Founded upon and Examination or the Explosions at Lite Tim.-;bury, Albion, Malago Vale, and Llanerch Collieries, and up,u the Principal Phenomena of the Disasters ut Abercarne, AilLolI, Altham, Apedale, Blantyre, Bryn and other Collieries. 156 p. Bristol, J. Wright and C°. Simpkin. 9,40. 7° Construction. ANDREWS (Th.).
Chemins de fer.
Thelife of Railway Axles. (Extr. de l'Engineer).
in-8",.16 p. Spons. l,25.
The Locomotive Engine and. Its .Develop-
ment : A Popular Treatise on the Graduai Improvemonts
merican Steam and Hot-Water Heating Practice. With 585 Musts. In-4", 326 p. Engineering Record » Office. 20. t..swun
Practical Hot-Water Heating, Stearn and Gas Illusl. In-8", 284 p. Paul, Triibner and C°. 10,65. Paiwrs The Handling of Dangereus Goods. A Handbook for the Use of Government and Railway Officiais, Carriers, Shipownets, lnsurance Companies, Manufacturers and .11sers of surit Goods and others, Comprising Notes on the Properlies of Inflammatory, Explosive and other Dangerous Coinpourtds, and the Modes of Storage and Transport thereof. Vitt) Official Classifications, Parliamentary Enactments, Pariculars or Recorded Accidents, etc. In-8", xn-362 p. Crosby Lockwbod and Son.. 11,25. Runeirrs (C -W.). Drawing and Des igning for Marine Engineers. 190-p. Tower Publishin,g Co. 7f,50. YLOR (T.).
Ganges at a Glance. Containing all the Principal
Gouges of Lite different 14etals, Tinplate Substances, etc., Celtaled and Compared; Foreign Moneys, Weiglits and Measures;
Metric Weights and Measures into English Equivalents and vice versa, Weights of Bar Iron, Tinplates and Galvanized Sheets; Decimal Equivalents and other Information for ail interested in Lite Metal Trades, etc. In-8", 78 p. Spons.