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Annales des Mines (1897, série 9, volume 12)

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Révision de 28 janv. 2015 11:02:48, edited by Anonymes




3° Minéralogie.




The Founders of Geology. Londres. In-8°, 308 p.


9 fr.

HARKER (A.). - Petrology for Studenls : An Introduction to the Study of Rocks under the Microscope. 2nd ed., Revised. In-8°, 342 p. Cambridge University Press. 9`,40. JOHNSTONE (A.). Mineralogical Geology. A Synopsis for the Use of Students. To Accompany W. et A.-K. Johnston's Geological Map of the British Isles. In-8°, 202 p. avec 14 planches. W. and A.-K. Johnston. 4f,40. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. England and Wales. The Geology of the Country between Norham and Tweedmouth in Northumberland. Explanation of Quarter-Sheet 110 N. W., New Serits, Sheet I. By W. Glinn. 0%65. The Geology of the Country around Bognor. Explanation of Sheet 332. 0`,65. REED (F.-B.-C.). A Handbook to the Geology of Cambridgeshire. I11-8°, 288 p. Cambridge University Press. 9',40. RUSSELL (L-C.).

Volcanoes of North America. A Reading Lesson for Students of Geography and Geology, In-8°. Macmillan. 20 fr. Scorr (W.-B.). An Introduction to Geology. In-8°, 602 p. Macmillan. 10 fr. 40 Mécanique appliquée et Machines. EWING (J.-A.).

The Steam-Engine and other Heat-Engines. 2nd cd. In-8., 472 p. Cambridge University Press. 48,75.


Text-Book on the Stem Engine. With a Supplement on Cas Engines ; and Part 2 on Heat Engines.

14th cd. In-8°, 456 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 7,50. HALLIDAY (G.). Steam Boilers. In-8°, 400 p. E. Arnold. 9`,40. Hiscox (G.--D.). Cas, Gasoline and Oil Vapour Engines. A New Book Descriptive of their Theory and Power, Illustrating Bien' Design, Construction and Operation for Stationary, Marine and Vehicle Motive Power. In-80, 284 p. Spons. 15,65. Hurtsr (C.). Valves and Valve-Gearing...1 Practical Text-Book

for the Use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, and Students. With numerous Illustrations and 4 Folding Plates. In-8°, 144 p. C. Griffin. 9',40.


A Text-Book on Applied Machanics. Vol. '2. With Numerous Diagrams and Examination Questions. In-8°,


402 p. C. Griffin. 9%40.

A Text-Book on Steam and Steana Engines. 121,h cd. With Numerous' Diagrams, Folding-Plates and Examination Questions. In-8°, 482 p. C. Griffin. 10`,65. LE VAN (B.). -- The Practical Management of Engines and Boilers.

In-80. Paul, Trübner and Co. 7,50. Steamboilers. Londres. In-8°, 400 p. 26 fr. Applied Mechanics. Londres. In-8°, 686 p. av. 371 fig. PEshy (J.). PEABODY (C.-H.) and MILLER (E.-F.).

I lf,25. RANKINE (W.-J.-M.).

A Manual of the Steam Engine and other

Prime Movers. With Numerous Engravings, Folding-Plates, and

a Diagram of the Mechanical Properties of Steam. 14th cd., Revised by W.-J. Minar. I11-8°, 672 p. C. Griffin. 15f,65. 5° Applications industrielles de la physique et de la chimie. Métallurgie.

Agricultural Chemistry. 2 vols. (R.-H.) and WoOD (T.-B.). In-8°. Paul Trübner and Co. 4f,40. An Introduction to the Study of Metallurgy. AUSTEN (W.-C.-R.). 4th cd., Revised and Enlarged. In-8°, 440 p. C. Griffin. 18,75. The Dynamo : How Made, and How Used. 10th BOTTONE (S.-R.). cd. With Nuinerous Illustrations, and Appendix. In-80, 144 p. Sonnenschein. 3f,45. A Text Book of Assaying. For the Use BERINGER (C. and J.-J.). of those Connected with Mines. Revised by J.-J. Beringer. 'With Numerous Diagrams and Tables. 4th cd. In-8°, 420 p. C. Griffin. 13f,15.

BORCHERS (W.). - Electric Smelting Befining : The Extraction

and Treatrhent of Metals by Means of the Electric Current. Being the 2nd cd. of « Elektrometallurgie ». Translated; with Additions, by W.-G. MeMillan. With 3 Plates and numerous Illusts. in the Text. In-80, 436 p. C. Griffin. 26f,25. The Principles of Alternate-Current Working. Illust. In-80, xi-276 p. Biggs. 6,25.

IIAy (A.).

ELINDHOVEN (A.-J. VAN). - A Comparison between the English and

French Methods of Ascertaining the Illuminating Power of Coal. In-8., 98 p. Spons. 5 fr.