Annales des Mines (1886, série 8, volume 10) [Image 14]

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The chalk and flint formation : its origin in harmony with a very ancient and a scientific Modern theory of the world. Illust. by facts and specimens. In-80, 44 p. Low. 3,15. Geological Survey. Explanatory memoirs to accompany sheet 20 of the maps of the Geological Survey of Ireland, including the country around Ballymena , Glenarm , Connor, and the mountainous district west of Lorne. 1f,25. Explanatory memoir to accompany sheet 56 of the maps of the Geological Survey of Ireland, including the district around Swanlinbar, Florencecourt and Dowra. 1 fr. GutsoN (J.). Chips from the earth's crust; or, short studies in natural science. With 29 illust. In-8°, 290 p. Nelsons. 3,15. Hum, (E.). Memoir of the geology and geography of Arabia GALLOWAY (W. B.).

Petra, Palestine and adjoining districts, with special reference to the mode of formation of the Jordan, Arabian depression and the Dead Sea. 154 p. Bentley. 26f,25. LAPWORTH (Ch.). Books on historical geology. Simpkin. O,35. 4° Mécanique.


drawing. 2' édition, revue et augmentée. In-4°. Heywood. 1, 90.

With numerous woodcuts and 43 litho-plates. In-8°, 200 p. Griffin. 3,25. Modem steam engines : an elementary treatise ROSE (J.). Low. 38`,75. upon the steam engine. A history of the theory of elasticity and of TODHUNTER (Is.). the strength of materials front Galilei ho the present Lime. Edit. and completed for the syndics of the university press by Karl Pearson. Vol. 1 : Galilei to Saint-Venant, 1639-1854. In-8°, 920 p. Cambridge Warehouse. 31',25.


Hodges. 1,25.

Lessons in elementary dynamics. In-12, 180 p. Chambers. 3,15.


The portable engine; its construction

and management : a practical manual for owners and users of steam engines generally. In-8°, 180 p. Crosby Lockwood. 4f,40. The principles of clynamics. Nouv. édition, reWORMELL (R.). vue. In-12, 262 p. Rivingtons. 7f,50. 5° Chemins de fer.

Parliamentary. Railways. Continuons brakes. Returns, january and june, 1886. 1,70. Railway accidents. Returns for six months, ending j une, 1886. 1 fr. STRETTON (C. E.). - Safe railway working : a treatise on railway

accidents, their cause and prevention ; with a description of modern appliances and systems. In-8°, 180 p. Crosby Lockwood. 5,65.

DAVIES (D. C.). A treatise on metalliferous minerais and mining.

3' édition, soigneusement revue. In-8°, 438 p. Crosby Lockwood. 15,65. A text book of steam and steam engines. SpeJAMIESON (A.). cially arranged for the use of science and art, city and guilds of London Institute, and other engineering stuclents. With numerous diagrams, 4 folding plates, and examination questions. In-8°, 390 p. Griffin. 9,40. O'TooLE (J.). Ansa dynarnica. Concerning force, impulsion and energy. Édition revue et augmentée. In-8°, 74 p. Dublin,

Introduction to the science of dynamics.

In-8°, vu-120 p. Kingston. 9,40. ROBINSON (II.). - Hydraulic power and hydraulic machinery.

Exploitation des mines.

ANDERSON (W.). - On the conversion of heat into work : a practical handbook on heat engines. In-8°, 246 p. Whittaker. 7f,50 BLAIKIE (J). - The elements of dynamics (Mechanics). Nouvelle édition, augmentée. In-8°, 216 p. Edimbour,g, Thin. 4f,40. CLERK (D.). The gas engine. In-8°, 280 p. Longmans. 9,10. CROWTHER (W. É.). - Text book of machine construction and


6° Sujets divers.

French measure and english equivalents, for use of manufactures in iron, steel, etc., engineers, toolmakers,


milwrights, draughtsmen, firemen, mechanics, forgemen, rollermen, and artisans generally. In-64. Spons. 1,25. Arc and glow lamps : a practical handbook on MAIER (J.). electric lighting. Illust. (The specialist's series.) In-8°, 383 p. Whittaker. 9',40.