Annales des Mines (1898, série 9, volume 13) [Image 357]

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80 Législation.,

Économie politique et sociale.

BaowN (A.). -- Rating of Mines and Quarries. Londres. 76 p. 7f,50.


9° Objets divers. BurrroN (W.-K.).

The Water Supply of Towns and the Construc-

fion of Waterworks : A Practical Treatise for the Use for Engineers and Students of Engineering. With numerous Plates and other Illusts. 2nd ed., Revised and Extended. In-8°,334 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 31f,25. KEMPE (H.-R.).

The Engineer's Year-Book of Formule Rules, Tables, Data and Memoranda in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Marine and Mine Engineering. With about 850 Illusts. specially Engraved for the Work. 5th Year of publication. In-8°, 676 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 10 fr. REDWOOD (I.-I.). Lubricants, Oils and Greases. Treated Theoretically and giving Practical Information regarding their Composition, Uses and Manufacture. A Practical Guide for Manufacturers, EngineerS and Users in General of Lubricants. In-8°, 64 p. Spons, 5f,65.



No. 138, Ariesian Well Prospects in and Vicinity, Kansas. No. 139, Geology of the the Atlantic Coastal Plain Region. No. 140, Report Castle Mountain Mining District, Montana. of Progress of the Division of Hydrography for the Calendar No. 141, The Eocene Deposits of the Middle Year, 1895. No. 142, Atlantic Slope in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. A Brief Contribution to the Geology and Paleontology of Northwestern Louisiana. -- No. 143, Bibliography of Clays and the No. 144, The Moraines of the Missouri Coteau Ceramic Arts. and their Attendant Deposits. No. 145, The Potomac FormaNo. 146, Bibliography and Index of North tion in Virginia. American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology and Mineralogy No. 147, Earthquakes in California in 1895. for 1895. Musts. No. 148, Analyses of Rocks and Analytical Methods. In-80. Washington, Government Printing Office. On Orthogenesis, and the Impotence of Natural EIMER (T.). Selection in Species-Formation :An Address Delivered at the Leyden Congress of Zoologists, september 19, 1895. Trans. by T.-J. McCormack, Musts. In-8°, 56 p. Chicago, Open Court Pub. Co.

Vol. 25, Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. Vol. 26, The The Glacial Lake Agassiz, by Warcen Upham. Vol. 27, GeoFlora of the Amboy Clays, by J.-S. Newberry. by S.-F. Emmons, logy of the Denver Basin in Colorado, Vol. 28, The Marquette IronW. Cross and G.-H. Eldridge. Bearing District .of Michigan. With Atlas by C.-R. Van Hise and W.-S. Bayley. Including a Chapter on the Republic Trough, by H.-L. Smyth. Illusts. In-4°. Washington, Government Printing Office.

BERINGER (D.-M.). Description of Minerais of commercial Value. New-York. In-16. 15,65. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. No. 87, A

Synopsis of American Fossil Brachiopoda, Including Bibliography and Synonymy. No. 127, Catalogue and Index of Contributions to North American Geology, 1732-1891. -No. 130, Bibliography and Index of North American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology and Mineratogy for 4892-1893. No. 135, Bibliography and Index of North American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology and Mineralogy for 1894. No. 136, The Ancient Volcanic Rocks Of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. No. 137, The Geology of the Fort Biley Military 11eservatio0

Seventeenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1895-1896, C.-D. Walcott, Director. In 3 Parts. Parts and 2. Part 1, Director's Report and other Papers ; Part 2, Economic Geology and Hydrography. Maps. Illusts. In-4°. Washington, Government Printing 1

Office. WIENER (A.-E.).

Practical Calculation or Dynamo Electric Machines : A Manual for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers,

and a Text-book for Students of Electro-Technics. Illusts. In-8°, xxxiv-683 p. New-York, W.-J. Johnston Co. 15 fr,