Annales des Mines (1902, série 10, volume 2) [Image 296]

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116° à 170° livraison. In-8° à. 2 col., p. 921 à 1360, avec grav. Paris, Garnier frères. 0 f ,10la livraison.




— Continuous Electrical Calorimetry. In-4°.

Dulau. 3 fr. FLEMING (J .-A.).

— Magnets and Electric Currents. An Elemen-

tary Treatise for the use of Electrical Artisans and Science Teachers. 2nd ed. In-8°, 424 p. Spon. 6 f ,25. OUVRAGES

— Preparatory Lessons in Chemistry. In-8°, 126 p. Allman. l ,25.

HILL(H.-W.). f



— Lead and its Compounds. Illust. by 40 Plans and f

Diagrams. In-8°, 242 p. Scott, Greenwood. 9 ,40. MACDONALD (H. -M.).

1° Mathématiques et Mécanique pures.


(E.-W.). — A Memoir on Intégral Functions. In-4°. Dulau.

o',65. HALL (H. -S.). — A Short Introduction to Graphical Algebra. In-12. (A.).

(D.-S.). — An Introduction to Chemistry. In-8°, 200 p. G. Bell. 2 f ,30.


(G. -S.). — A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. 9th ed. f

— Differential Calculus

for Beginners.

With an f

Introduction by Sir Oliver J. Lodge. In-8°, 304 p. G. Bell. 5 ,65. (J.-G.). — An Elementary Treatise on Kinematics and


Dynamics. In-8°, 338 p. Macmillan. 13 f ,15. WHITTAKER (E.-T.). — A Course of Modem Analysis. An Introduction to the General ïheory of Intinite Séries and of Analytic Functions. With an Account of the Principal Transcendental f

Revised and Enlarged. In-8°, 732 p. Longmans. 8 ,15. and THOMSON (J.-J.). — A 'fext-Book of Physics : f Properties of Matter. ln-8°, 236 p. C. Griftin. 13 ,15.



(M.). — On Chemical Dynamics and Statics under the Influence of Light. In-4°. Dulau. 4',40.



(A.-W.). — Papers on Etheriflcation and on the Consf

titution of Salts (1850-1856). In-8°, 62 p. Simpkin. l ,90. (G. -S. -A.). — A Manual of Chemistry. Illust. and Interleaved. In-8°, 356 p. Simpkin. 13 r ,15.


Functions. In-8°, 392 p. Camb. Univ. Press. I3 ,65. ZUVET

Being an Adams Prize

Essay in the University of Cambridge. In-8°, 200 p. Camb. Univ. Press. I2 f ,50.


Macmillan. 0 f ,65. LODGE

— Electric Waves.

(A.). — An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics.

(A.-V.-E.). — The Elementary Prinçiples of Chemistry. In-8°, 372 p. Ilirschfeld. 6 f ,25.

3 parts in 1 vol. In-8°. Macmillan. 26 f ,23.


2° Physique et Chimie. 3° Minéralogie. — Géologie. — Paléontologie. AÏRTON

(H.). — The Mechanism of the Electric Arc. In-4°. Dulau.

3 f ,15. BARNES


(G.-A.-J.). — Aids in Practical Geology. With numerous f

(H. -T.). — On the Capacity for Heat and Water between

the Freeziug and Boiling Points, togelher with a Détermination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat in Terms of the International Electrical Units. In-4°. Dulau. 7 f ,50. BOTTONE (S.-R.). — Galvanic Batteries, their Theory, Construction, and Use, Coinprising Primary, Single, and Double Fluid Cells, Secondary and Gas Batteries. With 144 Illusts. In-8°, 392 p. Whittaker. 6 f ,23. The Amateur Electrician's Workshop. tical Instruction in

the Making


Illusts. 4th éd., revised. In-8°, 448 p. C. Griflïn. 13 ,15. MIERS

(IL A.). — Mineralogy. An Introduction to the Scientiflc

Study of Minerais. With 2 Coloured Plates and 713 Illusts. in the Text. In-8°, 604 p. Macmillan. 31 f ,25. ZITTEL

(K.-A. von). — Text-Book of Pakeontology. Trans. and

Edit. by Ch.-R. Eastman. English ed. Revised and Enlarged by r

the Author and Editor. Vol. 2. In-8°, 292 p. Macmillan. 12 ,50. 4° Mécanique appliquée et Machines.


Handbook of Prac-


Models f

Appliances. With 31 Illusts. ln-8°, 86 p. G. Pitman. l ,90.


(T.) and THOMSON (A.-W.). — Elementary Applied f Mechanics. In-8°, 506 p. Macmillan. 26 ,25.