Annales des Mines (1902, série 10, volume 2) [Image 297]

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(J.). — The Slide Valve and its Functions. With Spé-

cial Référence to Modem Practice in the United States. In-8°. Spon. 10 fr. (S.-R.). — Ignition Devices for Gas and Petrol Motors.


With an Introductory Chapter treatiug specially of Structural Détails, Choice and Management of Automobiles. Fully Illust. In-8°, xvi-92 p. G. Pitman. 3 f ,tb. Box (T.). — A Practical Treatise on the Strength of Materials, including their Elasticity and Résistance to Impact. 4th ed.


dents and Engineers. 2nd ed. Completely rewritten. With 474 Illusts. In-8°, 950 p. Spon. 26 r ,25. (R.) and



(H.-J.). — The Marine Steam Engine. A

Treatise for Engineering Students, Young Engineers and Officers of the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine. With numerous f Diagrarns. 6th ed. In-8°, 532 p. Longmans. 26 ,25. (W.). — The Eléments of Machine Design. Part 2. Chielly


on Engine Détails. New éd., revised and enlarged. In-8°, 446 p. Longmans. 7 f ,50.

ln-8°, 538 p. Spon. 15 f ,65. (C.). — The Marine Steam Engine; its Construction, etc.


5° Applications industrielles de la physique et, de la chimie. —

Vol. 1. Text and Plates.' 2 parts. In-4». Grevel. 50 fr.


(F.). — A Practical Treatise on Modem Gas and Oil Engines. 3rd ed. In-8°, 378 p. Techuical Publishing Co.


6 f ,2o. HAEDER

(.1.). — Gas


(H.). — A Handbook on the Steam Engine. With especial

Référence to Small and Medium-sized- Engines. Translated from the German, with considérable Additions and Altérations, by H.-H.-P. Powles. 3rd English éd., revised. In-8°, 466 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 9 f ,40. ' Hiscox (G.-D.). — Gas, Gasoline, and Oil Engines. An up-to-date Book on the Subject of Explosive Motor Power for Stationary, Marine, and Vehicle Motive Power.


312 Illusts. ln-8°,

vni-401 p. Low. 17 f ,50. HURST (C). — The Care and Management of Stationary Steam Engines. A Practical Handbook for





31 Illusts. In-8°, 96 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. l f ,25. JENKINS (R.). — Motor Cars and the Application of Mechanical Power to Road Vehicles. With 100 Illusts. In-8°, 390 p. T. Fisher Unwin. 26 f ,25. (A.-R.). — Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines and Boilers and their Management. With 74 Illusts. 4th éd., revised


and enlarged. In-8°, 306 p. Simpkin. 6 f ,25. LISE (J .-P.). — A B C of the Steam Engine. With a Description of the Automatic Governor. 6 large folding Plates

of Détails.

In-16, 30 p. Spon. 2 r ,50. NEILSON (R.-M.). — The Steam Turbine. With numerous Illusts. In-8°, 176 p. Longmans. 8 r ,15. PULLEN (W.-W.-F.). — Mechanics, Theoretical, Applied, and Expérimental. With 318 Illusts. and numerous Examples. ln-8°, 390 p. Longmans. 5', 6b. (W.). — Gas and Petroleum Engines. A Manual for Stu-


Analyst's Manual. Incorporating F.-W.-H.

Hartley's « Gas Analyst's Manual and Gas Measurement ». In-8°> 578 p. Spon. 22 f ,50. ATKINSON

(A. -A.). — Electrical and Magnetic Calculations for the

use of Electrical Engineers and Artisans, Teachers, Students, and ail others interested in

the Theory and Application of

Electricity and Magnetism. In-8°, 318 p. Crosby Lockwood and Son. ll f ,25. BALE

(C .-R.).

— Modem Ironfoundry Practice. Part L Foundry

Equipment, Materials Used, and Processes Followed. With numerous Illusts. In-8°, 396 p. Techn. Pub. Co. 6 f ,25. BARINGER (C.

and J.-J.). — A Text Book of Assaying. For the use

of those Connected with Mines. Revised by J.-J. Beringer. With numerous Diagrarns and Tables. 8th éd., revised. In-8°, 472 p. f C. Griffin. 13 ,15. BREARLEY (H.)



(F.). — The Analysis of Steel Works f

Materials. With Illusts. In-8°, xv-501 p. Longmans. 17 ,50. CLINTON

(W.-C). — Electric Wiring : A Primer for the Use of

Wiremen and Students. With 80 Illusts. and a Sélection of f Worked Examples. In-8°, vm-179 p. J. Murray. l ,90. (M.). — The Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold,


and its Practical Application on the Witwatersrand Goldliekls, and Elsewhere. 3rd éd., revised and enlarged. In-8°, Crosby Lockwood and Son. 9 f ,40. HIORNS

202 p.

(A.-H.). — Metallography. An Introduction to the Study

of the structure of Metals, chiefly by the aid of the Microscope. In-8", 172 p. Macmillan. 7 r ,50. MAYCOCK


- Electric Lighling and Power Distribution.